See why teams love
Nodes & Links

Number of Planners:

You can select and adjust the number of planners working on your project

Number of Managers:

You can select and adjust the number of managers working on your project
Use Case Time Cost
Check quality of the schedule (incl. DCMA checks) and pinpoint issuess at a WBS and activity level hours
Find the 10 most impactful activities for your project hours
Find the path of least float for any activity hours
Find the top 10 most critical tasks for the next 30 days hours
Pick a WBS and find the top 10 critical tasks and milestones hours
Dedicated float analysis hours
Track project performance hours
Create reports for your project hours
Identify days where activity peaks hours
See the S-Curve of your project and scrutinise the WBS of your project. hours
Totals hours

Monthly Saving

0 hours
( 0 workdays saved )
+ Strategic savings of up to 2% of your total project budget and up to 10% reduction in project duration

Frequently asked questions, answered

No – all tiers come with unlimited number of users so go ahead and invite your entire project team, instantly! Other companies exploit the need for collaboration by charging per user, putting a tax on collaboration. We believe you deserve something better.

If you don’t find the feature you’re looking for, there’s a good chance it’s coming soon in the next few weeks. At Nodes & Links, we have a fast-moving roadmap — we release new product features and integrations every week and the one you’re looking for is probably on the list. If you’d like to request a feature, let us know at
We are using state of the art technologies to ensure your data is safe. We are a cloud native up, hosting and processing data in EU and UK. Find out more by reading our FAQ Security
We are here to make your life easier – reach out to us anytime at

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